There is a beginning . . .
begins with two Labrador Retrievers
to the left, is Churchill Graham an eleven-year black male
with white blazes on his chest in the shape of a star,
and a "star he is!..."
To the right, is Francesca Le Bon Bon,
a Chocolate Brown five-year female whose
protective nature for home, toys and family she guards.
Both dogs were adopted by JudithCatherine Lam, pictured center
whose current profession as a
Certified Canine Massage Therapist
became a reality due to making life better for
Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon.
Yet the turning-point of their story is
Churchill Graham's natural drive to chase and capture cats
when he got loose from the held leash.
His remorseful actions, led him to be imprisoned
in an unkept Humane Society shelter
daily inflicted with ticks, and waste at their every walk.
Francesca Le Bon Bon, who had nothing to do with
the cat capture except for her presence , was sadly
taken to prison as well. She was only 9 months, and was
confused, scared and anxious.
Community support signed petitions to protect
Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon from
such poor living quarters,
witnesses showed up at hearings
on behalf of Churhill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon.
The more community support, the harder the Humane Society rebutted.
JudithCatherine's only resort was the legal system.
The expense and length of this ordeal was written clearly
on the wall, as the Humane Society was adamant at every turn
with rules changed constantly to keep the dogs
away from society, that even friends from the
dog park were not allowed to visit, and soon
JudithCatherine was refused visitations.
Long Circuit Court proceedings against the shelter
affected the struggling world of JudithCatherine
only to end-up a winning case ruled by
the Judge to FREE
Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon!
Once freed, a new struggle occurred
A struggle to rehabilitate their "broken bodies"
and "damaged emotions."
This challenge will forever be remembered
as the health of
Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon
should never have been
"fooled with."
Prescribed with medications by Veterinarians
proved only temporary and expensive.
Their weight loss was dramatically demonstrated by
lack of movement and the astounding capability of been
carried together
by JudithCatherine!
In despair, JudithCathrine pursued a tireless research
to help her dogs rehabilitate. Research led to testimonials,
documentations, and conversations about a new discovery
for JudithCatherine, a health-care regimen
called Canine Massage Therapy.
Once assured, Canine Massage Therapy was the answer
for rehabilitating Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon,
she took a financial risk and left her long time career of 11 years
in Public Relations and Marketing to become a student in
Canine Massage Therapy.
She used her dogs as laboratory experiments daily.
Churchill Graham's recovery at the end of 5 months
responded well to the therapeutic massages
and once again experienced his athletic spontaneity.
He does long length ocean swims, and runs with deep beautiful
strides showing-off a revived muscular happy body.
Francesca Le Bon Bon, rambunctiousness and happy spirit
returned from being a depressive and fearful dog
at a young age of 1year.
However, she is instilled yet with a personal
protectiveness of her den...a natural understanding.
The initial financial and emotional risk
of putting her career in abeyance
for the love of her dogs,
JudithCatherine's personal success
truly begins as a
Certified Canine Massage Therapist
and Author.
She had a new purpose, mission, and cause within the community.
She became vocal on animal issues, needs, and care.
She continues to conceptualize new spins for public awareness.
Yet she discovered "out there" places that reminded her of
the local shelter Churchill Graham and Francesca Le Bon Bon experienced.
But, nothing stops her, she continues to create public awareness
the human responsibility needed to speak and act
on behalf of all dogs.
is to
Protect Our Dogs,
a creative sound-bite decide upon to convey
her mission to speak and
act on behalf of all dogs for their safety and health-care.
JudithCatherine discovers over and over
dynamic ways how people respond to dogs
throughout the world.
Emotional Response,
became the key or answer about a person's
love and care for dogs.
In her profession, writings, and exchanges,
were used to convey her instructions, messages, and ideas.
She discovered immediately how revealing and
powerful photo images were, not only for
demonstrating the health-care or behavior of dogs, but for
teaching valuable lessons about human nature.
The transparency is phenomenal!
therefore, became a new study.
A Photography Study
to unfold and teach us about
canine behaviors, as well as
unfold human values!
Test it!
You'll discover and witness
in the following Gallery Of Photographs
how the camera can
capture dog's inner sensitivity,
reveal for us,
new measures of human worth.
Yes, it is phenomenal how
the camera captures
moments of
a dog's instinctive sense
unfolding at the same time
special messages
about ourselves,
our neighbors,
the world!
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